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International Conducting Competition

'KNSO국제지휘콩쿠르'는 포디움의 새로운 세대를 찾기 위한 국내 유일의 국제지휘콩쿠르다. 2021년 열린 첫 회에 42개국 166명의 지원자가 몰리며 전세계적인 뜨거운 관심을 확인했다. 3년마다 개최되며, 만 23세부터 35세라면 국적에 관계없이 누구나 참가할 수 있다. 입상자들에게는 총 한화 9천여만 원의 상금을 시상하며, 다양한 무대가 제공된다.


International Conducting Competition

KNSO International Conducting Competition (hereby, "KNSO ICC") is the only international conducting competition in Republic of Korea and will hold its 2nd competition in 2024 with the aims of discovering, supporting and nurturing young talented conductors around the world. The KNSO ICC is held once every three years for participants 23 to 35 years of age from any nationality and provides a platform for new talents to stand on various stages and perfect their artistic practice with leading professionals. The prize winners will be given a cash prize of about KRW 90,000,000 along with the opportunities to conduct at leading orchestras.